Saturday, May 26, 2012

Top 5 Lifestyle Changes For People With Heart Disease

In addition to taking a CoenzymeQ10 supplement, lifestyle changes can help reduce LDL cholesterol, enhance the cholesterol-lowering effect of medications, and possibly lower the amount of medication you might need.

  1. Lose weight – losing as little as 5 to 10 pounds can make a difference
  2. Eat a heart-healthy diet – consume more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids
  3. Exercise – just 30 minutes a day, every day – WALK!
  4. Quit smoking – we know that smoking increases your risks of g so if you smoke, Stop
  5. Moderate alcohol intake – moderate use of alcohol is associated with higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol

Friday, May 18, 2012

Antioxidants Health Benefits

This is a short article by Dr. Edward Group done back in 2009. A good read if you want to know more about antioxidants and how beneficial they are to our health. You might also come to realize how practical it is to take supplements rather than complete the list of foods needed to accumulate enough antioxidants in a day.
Recently, you may have read or heard alot about antioxidants in conjunction with good health or avoiding diseases. Antioxidants have been getting great press lately, and rightfully so. But what are they? What do they do once inside our bodies? And how can we get more of them?

Well, firstly, let’s define what they are. Have you ever seen the bottom-feeder fish in a fish-tank, sucking up all the gunk and grime that is toxic for the rest of the fish? Think of antioxidants as molecular-sized, “free radical scavengers” in the fish-tank of your body.
Once an antioxidant finds its way into the body, mostly through the foods we eat, it slows down, or even prevents, the oxidation of other molecules. When molecules in the body oxidize, they can create free-radicals, or cellular bi-products. It is very normal to have these free-radicals in the body, but in excess, they can wreak havoc on our cellular structures.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Calcium Builds Bones, and More

Everyone knows that we all need calcium to build strong bones. What you may not be aware of is that calcium is necessary for much more than our skeletal health.

Calcium and Children’s Health

Calcium is essential to our body’s ability to function and our ability to think. The cardiovascular system and the nervous system both utilize calcium, and it’s also vital for blood clotting. And, of course, it’s directly related to keeping your bones strong. People who don’t get enough calcium are more likely to suffer from bone fractures and may develop osteoporosis as they age. They also risk having weaker teeth and tooth decay later in life.